Top 15 Best CTF For OSINT Practice.

Hello hackers, welcome back to my new blog, hope you all are good.
Today in this blog, I’m Going to share with you something intresting stuff, which probably you should never seen before !!!
In this blog, I’m gonna discusse about top 15 OSINT online CTF platform for OSINT lovers, which will makes you perfect in OSINT investigation, and after solve and practice that CTF, you will become a best ever master OSINT investigator.
Before start writing the blog, I have such a small request to all of you, I always right articles on cyber security, ethical hacking, penetration testing. So if you didn’t follow, then follow me first and clap on this article, because that’s give me a motivation to write something new !!
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Let’s Start !!!
- Sakura Room :
Tryhackme free room, you can use verious techniques to solve the room.
☛ Access Here - OhSINT :
This is a free osint tryhackme room, where you have to gather information just using photo.
☛ Access Here - WebOSINT :
Conducting basic open source intelligence research on a website.
☛ Access Here - SoMeSINT :
This room is introduction of Social Media Intelligence. Use your awesome OSINT skills to perform an online investigation of a mysterious husband!
This room is a story baced room, you have to solve given story.
☛ Access Here - Shodan :
Shodan search engine is the treasure for every hacker and OSINT investigator.
In this room you can learn, complete shodan fundamentals.
☛ Access Here - Searchlightosint :
In this room we will be exploring the discipline of IMINT/GEOINT, which is short for Image intelligence and geospatial intelligence.
This room is suited for those of you who are just beginning your OSINT journey or those brand new to the field of IMINT/GEOINT.
☛ Access Here - Geolocating-Images :
In this room you will understand, How to geolocate images.
☛ Access Here - Threat-Intelligence-Tools :
Explore different OSINT tools used to conduct security threat assessments and investigations.
☛ Access Here - Las-Vegas-Challenge :
This is a challenge rather than a course for the serious OSINT practitioner or online investigator.
☛ Access Here - SampleCTF :
This platform is created for OSINT, where you can solve the CTF and get the points.
You will get different types of challanges rather than image CTF.
☛ Access Here - Cyber-Detective-CTF :
Cyber Detective CTF is an OSINT-focussed CTF created by the Cyber Society at Cardiff University. There are 40 challenges across 3 streams: General Knowledge, Life Online and Evidence Investigation.
☛ Access Here - Cyber-Investigator-CTF :
Cyber Investigator CTF is the sequel to Cyber Detective CTF, and was created by Cyber Society at Cardiff University. There are over 30 free & predominantly OSINT-based challenges drawing from a range of scenarios, putting your analytical skills to the test!
☛ Access Here - Military-Themed-OSINT :
This is a free OSINT CTF with a military narrative exploring the geopolitics and tensions between Ukraine and Russia.
☛ Access Here - Sourcing-Games : is a gamified online OSINT challanges including 30+ OSINT challanges.
☛ Access Here - OSINT-dojo :
OSINT dojo is not a platform of CTF, it’s a resources platform, where you can get lots of OSINT graf, diagrams and methodology of OSINT investigation just in image format.
You should visit this site !!!
☛ Explore OSINT-dojo
One last bonus point that, I want to give you that is. ☟

You must have to do lots of practice on it.
If you want to make perfect, expert, master or whatever that in OSINT, then remember there are no another option rather that this !!!
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I’ll see you with next article.