The Essential Programming Languages for Cyber Security.

Sagar Shewale
6 min readSep 29, 2023


Hello my dear hackers, this is your friend Sagar. Welcome back to my new article with another hot, importent and interesting topic, I hope you all are good, happy and secure at your home.

Today we are gonna discuss about most importent question, which is mostly asked by people who just enter in cyber security career OR who wants to enter in cyber security.

In this article, I’m gonna tell you that which programming langauge is best that you have to learn and which you should master into it.. So let’s begin !!!!

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Let’s Start !!!

✯ Introduction ✯

What is Programming Langauge & why it need to learn for cyber security ?

A programming language is like a special code that computers understand. It’s a way for people to give instructions to computers to make them do specific tasks. Imagine it’s like speaking to a computer in a language it understands.

learning a programming language in cybersecurity is like having a superpower. It lets you communicate more effectively with computers, understand how they can be vulnerable, and create your own tools to keep them safe from cyber threats.

There are many task you can do using programming langauges such as, Buliding hacking / security tools, Automating Tasks, Creating Exploits etc.

So, Now let’s discuss about the programming langauges which are mostly used in cyber security.


1) Python :

Python is a interpreted, object-oriented, high level, multipurpose, programming langauge which was developed by “Guido van Rossum” in 1989. Python is a most demanding & priorable langauge in nowdays in cyber security. You can develop your tools, exploits, malwares (For Red Team purpose), softwares, website and much more using python. In short python is swiss army knife programming langauge.

2) Bash :

The name is an acronym for the ‘Bourne-Again SHell’, a pun on Stephen Bourne, the author of the direct ancestor of the current Unix shell sh, which appeared in the Seventh Edition Bell Labs Research version of Unix.
Bash is a command langauge interpreter, used to make task automated in linux. Where we need to run 10 commands at there, bash script is much useful to make our task easier.

3) C Langauge :

C is essential for cybersecurity because it is a versatile and powerful programming language that allows experts to build secure and efficient software. In cyber security, linux is most essential to use and linux is developed by c programming langauge. C is like a powerful Swiss Army knife for cybersecurity professionals, enabling them to build robust and efficient defenses against cyber threats.

4) C ++ Langauge :

C++ is essential for cybersecurity due to its efficiency, low-level memory control, and ability to create secure software. Its performance allows for fast execution of security algorithms, while low-level control enables precise memory management, crucial for avoiding vulnerabilities. Moreover, C++ supports the development of secure and robust applications, making it a valuable language for building resilient cybersecurity solutions.

5) Powershell :

PowerShell is a task automation and configuration management program from Microsoft, consisting of a command-line shell and the associated scripting language. If you are looking for pentesting of active directory then you have to learn powershell.

6) SQL Langauge :

SQL is essential for cybersecurity because it helps secure databases by enabling robust access control and authentication mechanisms, preventing unauthorized data breaches. It also plays a crucial role in identifying and mitigating SQL injection vulnerabilities, a common attack vector used by hackers to manipulate and steal data from databases.

7) HTML, CSS & JavaScript :

HTML: Used for structuring web content and forms in cybersecurity applications. CSS: Styles web pages to enhance user interface and design in security-related websites. JavaScript: Adds interactivity, client-side validation, and security features to web applications for protecting against cyber threats. HTML,CSS and JavaScript is backbone of web application. Understanding these technologies is crucial for cybersecurity professionals to identify and mitigate vulnerabilities in web-based systems.

8) GoLang :

Go langauge is considerd as a alternative of python to for making pentesting tools. Go langauge is fast, statically typed, compiled high-level programming language designed at Google by Robert Griesemer, Rob Pike, and Ken Thompson. It is syntactically similar to C, but also has memory safety, garbage collection, structural typing, and CSP-style concurrency.

9) Ruby :

Ruby is a dynamic, open source language with a focus on simplicity and productivity. Ruby can be used in cybersecurity for scripting, automation, and tool development due to its flexibility and ease of use. It has an elegant syntax that is natural to read and easy to write. Metasploit Framework is a great projects developed by Rapid7 using the ruby langauge.

10) JAVA :

Java is commonly used in cybersecurity due to its platform independence, making it difficult for attackers to exploit system-specific vulnerabilities. Its strong security features, such as bytecode verification and a robust permission system, enhance protection against malicious code execution.


✯ Bonus Points ✯

  1. Some programming langauges are you need to perfect such as Python, Bash, C etc. because these are considered as multipurpose langauge which is mostly use.
  2. The website GoalKicker helps you to get programming notes for FREE !!!
  3. If you are thinking about malware anaysis then, I’ll recommend you some programming langauges like, C, C++, C#, Python, Go, Rust, VB Script, Powershell, Bash and all those other langauges you need to know which is mostly used to develope malware. Bonus : You need to know about assembly languages which is low level programming langauges.
  4. If you wanna dive into reverse engineering then, you have to learn those langauge, which you are going to breakdown that tool. If you gonna breakdown any software / tool which is developed by using C++ then you need to know C++. Because reverse engineering is is all about breakdown and analysis.
  5. Don’t learn all langauges, i’ts not necessary, learn the langauges according to your cyber security domain. I’ts not necessary to be a perfect in all langauges, but at least you have to read them.

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Sagar Shewale

Penetration Testing | Linux | CTF | Hacking | OSINT | Bug Bounty Hunting